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"The slower you go, the more your brain teaches your body"​

Thomas Hanna

What Is Essential Somatic® Movement? (ESM)

ESM is a sensory-motor training that focuses on the internal sensation and organisation of our movements.

When we bring self-awareness to our movements, we engage the parts of our brain and central nervous system that are responsible for perceiving and regulating muscle tension.

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How does it work for me?

We learn how our aches and pains may well be related to patterns of tension that we didn’t really notice any more.


Our habits are stored by the brain and shifted away from our immediate awareness. We simply experience ‘it’s always like that with me’.

Essential Somatics brings us to our real centre – our ‘core’ – and out of the unconscious way that tension controls our posture and limits our potential to move, to breath well, to feel at ease in ourselves

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